Let's meet !

In 2 minds

Twins Vision® Blog

16. Jul 2024

These twins «explorers» of management

Article from the Riviera-Chablais Hebdo newspaper, Twins portrait.

17. Oct 2022

Seminar at the Rex

Why a seminar? So that as many souls as possible become conscious of their power and begin their transformation.

3. Nov 2021

The power of projection

Projection is a powerful tool that we love to use at Twins Vision® to generate awareness.

14. Jun 2021

My work family

When we observe the behavior and the words of people, we quickly realize that human relationships at work are often confused with family relationships.

14. Aug 2020

The manager of the new era values his employees

A word, a small word or even a tap on the back to show your satisfaction is always a pleasure... But did you know that at work these marks of recognition have a considerable impact on performance?

7. Jul 2020


Respect, so important but so often forgotten... I always ask this question, which is logical but often makes you meditate: how can we be respected by a person if we don't respect him/her?

22. May 2020

Communication - key to success

Although this may seem obvious, it is too often neglected.